Privacy Statement
Last Updated: July 30, 2024

At Vogue25, your privacy is important to us. This Privacy Statement explains how we collect, use, and disclose your personal information. It also describes your rights regarding your information and how to contact us with any questions.

Privacy Statement Summary
This summary provides key highlights from our Privacy Statement. For detailed information, please [click here] or scroll down.

What does this Privacy Statement cover?

Types of Information CollectedTypes of personal data we collect and how we use it.
Information SharingWhen and with whom we share your personal data.
Your RightsOptions regarding the collection, use, and sharing of your data.
Access and UpdatesHow you can access and update your personal information.

Types of Personal Information We Collect and Use

CategoryPurposeSourcesLawful Basis
Identification DataBooking, account creation, and securityDirectly from you, affiliatesLegal obligation, Performance of a contract
Contact InformationCommunication, customer service, marketingDirectly from you, affiliates, third partiesPerformance of a contract, Legitimate interest
Payment DataPayment processing, financial transactionsDirectly from you, affiliatesLegal obligation, Performance of a contract, Consent
Travel PreferencesPersonalization of services and marketingDirectly from you, affiliatesLegitimate interest, Consent
Loyalty DataManage loyalty programs and rewardsDirectly from you, affiliatesPerformance of a contract, Consent
Geolocation DataProvide location-based services and marketingDirectly from you, affiliatesLegal obligation, Performance of a contract, Consent
Images and VideosBooking purposes, marketing, and securityDirectly from you, affiliatesPerformance of a contract, Consent
CommunicationsCustomer service, marketing, and quality controlDirectly from you, affiliatesLegal obligation, Performance of a contract, Legitimate interest
Site Interaction DataImprove user experience and marketingDirectly from you, affiliates, third partiesLegitimate interest, Consent
Device DataPlatform usage analysis and securityDirectly from you, affiliates, third partiesLegal obligation, Legitimate interest, Consent
Friends and Co-travelersManage bookings and servicesDirectly from you, affiliatesPerformance of a contract, Legitimate interest
Child DataManage bookings for minor travelersDirectly from you, affiliatesPerformance of a contract, Consent
Clickstream DataAnalyze site usage and improve servicesDirectly from you, affiliates, third partiesLegitimate interest, Consent
Birthdate and GenderPersonalization and marketingDirectly from you, affiliates, third partiesLegal obligation, Performance of a contract, Legitimate interest, Consent
Sensitive DataHandle with care for specific purposesDirectly from you, affiliatesLegal obligations, Consent

How We Share Your Personal Information

Vogue25 AffiliatesFor platform and booking purposes, marketing, and compliance
Third-Party Service ProvidersTo deliver services and maintain security
Travel SuppliersTo facilitate travel bookings and services
Business PartnersFor joint promotions and services
Marketing PartnersFor targeted advertising and market research
Social Media PlatformsFor online marketing and audience targeting
Other Third PartiesFor features like social media login and content sharing
Legal ObligationsTo comply with legal requirements and protect our rights
Corporate TransactionsIn connection with business changes or asset sales

Your Rights and Choices
You can manage your data preferences, opt out of marketing, and exercise your data protection rights as described in our full Privacy Statement.

How to Contact Us
For questions or concerns about your personal information, please refer to the “Contact Us” section in the full Privacy Statement.

Privacy Statement Details

  • Categories of Personal Data We Collect and Use
  • Sharing of Personal Information
  • Joint Use of Personal Information
  • Our Use of AI
  • Your Rights and Choices
  • International Data Transfer
  • Data Privacy Framework
  • Security
  • Minors
  • Record Retention
  • Contact Us
  • Updates to Statement
  • Cookie Statement

Joint Use of Your Personal Information

Joint ControllersExpedia Group companies are joint controllers of your personal information.
Processing CategoriesAll categories of personal information identified in the “Categories of Personal Information We Collect and Use” section are processed jointly.
Expedia Group CompaniesThe companies listed at Expedia Group process your personal information jointly.
Responsible PartyExpedia, Inc. is responsible for managing your personal information. For more details, see the “Contact Us” section.

Our Use of Artificial Intelligence

Enhancing User ExperienceAI is used to improve your experience and maintain site safety.
Sorting ContentDetermines the order of content you see on our site.
RecommendationsProvides recommendations for destinations, properties, or activities.
Flight Price InsightsOffers insights and alerts about flight prices.
Content ScreeningReviews uploaded content (e.g., images) for quality and relevant amenities.
Review ScreeningEnsures reviews do not contain identifiable personal information and assesses customer satisfaction.
Fraud PreventionDetects and prevents breaches of terms and fraudulent activities.
Language PreferencesDisplays language and dialect preferences in virtual agent interactions.
Automated DecisionsAutomated decisions may be made, but significant decisions will not be based solely on automated processing unless consented to, necessary for a contract, or legally authorized.
Rights Related to Automated DecisionsYou may request a manual decision-making process or contest decisions based solely on automated processing. For more details, see “Your Rights and Choices.”

Your Rights and Choices

Communication PreferencesChange by logging in and updating account settings or contacting us directly.
Cookie ControlManage cookie preferences via our Cookie Statement.
Access and Amend InformationAccess, amend, inquire about deletion, or update accuracy by logging into your account or contacting us.
Unsubscribing from MarketingUnsubscribe via the ‘unsubscribe’ link in emails or by changing settings in your account or contacting us. Important transactional messages will still be sent.
Mobile App NotificationsManage notifications and preferences in app settings and your operating system.
Withdrawing ConsentWithdraw consent by contacting us. This does not affect previous processing or other legal processing.
Additional Regional RightsRights vary by region and may include requesting copies, deleting information, or objecting to processing. For more details, [click here].
Data Protection AuthorityYou may contact a data protection authority, but we encourage contacting us first. Details for complaints and appeals are provided in our response.

International Data Transfer

Data Access and ProcessingPersonal information may be accessed, processed, or transferred to countries other than your residence.
SafeguardsSafeguards are in place to ensure protection of personal information, including agreements and certifications.
Appropriate MeasuresIncludes adequacy decisions by the European Commission, APEC-CBPR certification, and contractual clauses.
Intra-Group AgreementsAgreements within the group include strict data transfer terms to protect personal information.
Risk Assessments and MeasuresRegular assessments and technological measures ensure compliance with data transfer laws.

Data Privacy Framework

DPF CertificationsU.S. affiliates are certified under the EU-U.S. DPF, UK Extension, and Swiss-U.S. DPF.
Principles and ComplianceAdherence to DPF Principles including Notice, Choice, Accountability, Security, Data Integrity, and more.
Complaint ResolutionCommitment to resolve complaints under the DPF Frameworks, including potential binding arbitration.
Contact for InquiriesContact us for inquiries or complaints about DPF compliance.

APEC Cross Border Privacy Rules System Participation

CompliancePrivacy practices comply with APEC CBPR, a framework for protecting personal information among APEC economies.


Security MeasuresImplementation of physical, technical, and organizational measures to protect personal information.
CybersecurityTechnical controls and measures, including PCI-DSS certification and encryption protocols.
Employee TrainingRegular security training for employees and management of access controls.
Incident NotificationNotification of data security incidents in accordance with laws and reporting to regulatory authorities.


Target AudienceOur services are not directed at minors.
Data CollectionPersonal information of minors may be collected in specific circumstances.
Parental ContactParents or guardians should contact us if they discover personal information collected without consent.

Record Retention

Retention PeriodPersonal information retained as per legal requirements and relevance for the purposes stated.
Deletion MethodsIndustry standard methods are used for data deletion and residual copies are kept for security.
Retention CriteriaIncludes relationship duration, legal obligations, and regulatory requirements.

Contact Us

Questions and ConcernsContact us via the Privacy Section for questions or to exercise your rights.
Data ControllersYour principal data controller is the Expedia Group company with which you interact.
Additional InformationFor a list of companies and more details, [click here].

Updates to Statement

Statement UpdatesWe may update this Statement in response to changes in laws or business developments.
Notification of ChangesMaterial changes will be notified on this page.
Last Updated DateCheck the “last updated” date at the top of this Statement for the most recent update.